4 thoughts on “Your Suggestions

  1. all issues have been addressed in my opinion, my only suggestion is that we keep posting our info about links for all to join and support Invincible

  2. I would like to suggest each I Pledge supporter concentrate on their country of origin or lacality. If you’re in India for example, try to locate any clubs or community of MJ’s there & present the campaign to them. & try to start a campaign in your country. that way you can get massive numbers around the world to support MJ’s Invincible album!

    Try to think effectively that will appeal to the people & culture of your area. Afterall, what works in the US may not work for you & your culture. But let’s all be proactive & participate by trying to get followers for this campaign! Make sure you check if your record stores have the album themselves. & encourage fans, collectors & non-fans to collect all colored sets. Write to Sony & Ivory Records in your country.

  3. By having a “tweetathon”,

    By re tweeting you tube video clips of different songs from “Invincible”,

    By posting videos and clips of the songs in MJ forum groups and fb groups and pages.

    By sending requests over via email to radio stations to play “Invincible” songs… (they will get the hint)

    At MJ events this summer, request songs from Invincible, also make posters, give out a few copies of Invincible.

    Why buying “Invincible”, encourage stores to stock “Invincible” in a high traffic location in the stores… making it visible to shoppers.

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