
The Invincible Campaign

See this Fan Campaign Video

The Invincible Album was released in 30th October 2001, this October will mark it’s 10th Anniversary. We aim to return the Invincible Album back its number 1 position.

The Aim of the Campaign:

  1. Is to return the Album to Number 1 in it’s 10th year.
  2. To support Michael Jackson’s Legacy and the last album that he directly contributed to.
  3. To provide support for a man now lost to us all.
  4. To promote Justice and fairness for Michael Jackson
  5. To show our united support for one man, a man that changed so much for the good in our society, a man we all cried for on 25 June 2009, a man that deserves our support during this time – Michael Jackson. So  that His Invincible Album is Number 1 during the trial.
  6. This is an inclusive campaign and we support unity
We support the man and his music.

BUY EVENT will run from 1st to 31st October 2011 inclusive.

Listen to my comments

Please follow: @mjsinvincible1

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“MJ was not only invincible and unbreakable but above all he is irreplaceable. The end.”

14 thoughts on “About

  1. I LOVE Michael’s INVINCIBLE Album!! Wish it had been marketed stronger here in the states, would have LOVED to have been enjoying it sooner!! Michael is Unbreakable!! God Bless You Michael!! I LOVE YOU! ~Chrissy~

  2. Fully supported … this album was terrfic just as all other Michael’s albums. It had been treated with so much unfairness with its life cut short. it should return to Number 1 as it should have been.

  3. I fully support this campaign. The “Invincible” album is one of my favs, maybe THE fav one! Its lyrics are so deep, so felt, so meaningful…they really show what Michael has been through those last years. That’s why i LOVE it! Let’s all buy our own “Invincible” copy on October 1st…. to show the world, but especially those executives at Sony, what a terrific album it is!!!

  4. Hello-
    This is a GREAT CAMPAIGN… It’s about time that Michael’s incredible “Invincible” album, gets the kind of recognition it so deserves!! LET’S DO THIS!!
    All For Michael…All For L.O.V.E!!

  5. OF COURSE!!!! Michael’s INVINCIBLE cd is so wonderful!! Michael put his best into making INVINCIBLE .I listen to his cd every day.When i listen to it i hear LOVE in his voice. Michael’s cd should be number 1 ALWAYS!!!!!!!

  6. Michael deserves, that his music is number 1! He has always made such an incredibly music & lyrics, everyone should listen to. I love especially this album, because it shows so much of his inner world of feelings. I´ll support him my whole life. #ItsAll4LOVE #Invincible #Unbreakable #iLoveMJ

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