
You maybe wondering about the chances of success?

Well we have had alot of positive reaction to the Invincible Campaign. At the end of the day, its the Michael Jackson fans, Fans of the Invincible Album and supporters of the Campaign that will determine the outcome of the Invincible Campaign.

There is no point in looking to the next person to act first. You have to consider as an individual if you want to support the campaign and in what way.

From our sources in the music industry or associated with the music industry they have stated that the Invincible Campaign has a chance of success. The initial response we have had was excitement.

We have been told that it would be a Historical Feat for Michael Jackson and his Invincible Album to return to its Number 1 position.

So the question is do you want to be part of history in the making?

Do you want to be part of this achievement?

Because if the buying public want it to happen, it will.

I want to point out some fan achievements:

  • Uncover campaign
  • Discovery Campaign
  • Restoration of the Michael Jackson MTV award
  • Fan complaints lead to an group being dropped from the forthcoming tribute
  • There are the continuing campaigns to for balanced media reporting, educational campaigns and campaigns to stop people defaming the dead
  • There are campaigns to promote causes and continue the work that Michael spearheaded
  • I see have seen my time lines flooded with people working or walking in Michael’s footsteps helping and supporting the community/or enviroment

These are all successes.

When a person steps up and puts action into effect, that action becomes a success.

Gosh it is hard to listen to a man complain about an innocent man – just gets me.

Facebook Uncover Campaign Page:

Melanie’s Blog:

Facebook Campaign group:We want MTV to Reinstate the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award

Campaign Video

What is it, that creates a thought, that propels someone to do something for someone regardless of outcome, the faith to take an unseen step.

Because those who have contributed to these amazing successes have done so without knowing what the outcome would be, without knowing if their voices would be heard or if they would make any difference. But these individuals and their supporters have changed mindsets, and have changed history.

Isn’t that amazing!!!

You suddenly appeared:

[Hats off to these people who made it happen.]

Action is the foundational key to all success.
Pablo Picasso


I am pleased to inform you that the campaign helped make Michael Jackson number one on the USA Amazon charts on the 10th Birthday of Invincible. Well done to all who contributed to the campaign.

9 thoughts on “Success

  1. I PLEDGE to support the campaign and buy the Invincible album of the world’s master entertainer..the king of pop MICHAEL JACKSON… This is one of my favorite album by him. Even though it’s underated and didn’t get that much attention that it deserved. But the real MJ fans out there knows that this is a good album….. MICHAEL JACKSON went back to his roots with this one, but it was a special and pleasant work of art. His legacy had been sealed decades before this release, but he set out to prove that he still had what it took in a music industry that was rapidly shifting from quality art to quantity releases. I love Michael Jackson for his dedication to classic and timeless pieces… Invincible was his last great masterpiece!

  2. This is great, I am excited for the album to be # 1. The fans have done many wonderful things so far for/in MJ s’ name and I just wanted to say thank you & I am so proud to be a part of this family.

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