@cadeflaw starts a texas radio campaign for Invincible

@cadeflaw starts a texas radio campaign for Invincible

Mary Brookins has kindly started a radio campaign in support of Michael Jackson’s Invincible Campaign. Thank you very much.



Kindly share the leaflets around and if anyone is going to the Fanb Fest please take a few with you.

Thank you.

The Invincible Year


I have been in consultation with Lynton Guest and we have decided on a forward plan for the campaign.

We have noticed that we are limited with what we can actually achieve because we don’t have the ability to publiciseInvincible on a world wide basis.

We have started a petition to entreat support from Sony and the Estate


The petition has been well supported in just a few days. We hope to send this off shortly once the target number of signatures has been achieved.

But we are suggesting the following:

Christmas: Introduce a friend to Invincible
It is obvious from the research undertaken that Invincible is the least known album. We want to correct this and thus suggest that supporters consider purchasing Invincible for Christmas Presents from 4th November 2011 until 7th Janauray 2012.

Download Speechless for Valentine
Buy Event
We suggest that fans download the track speechless from 7th February 2012 to 14th February 2012.

Due the celebration of Bad25 we will not be suggesting an alternative birthday celebration and wish to join the celebrations for Bad25. 

Radio Special Oct 30: Celebrate the Legend, INVINCIBLE 10th Anniversary

Radio Special Oct 30: Celebrate the Legend, INVINCIBLE 10th Anniversary


“Invincible is the tenth studio album by Michael Jackson, released October 30, 2001, on Epic Records. His last studio album, it was the first release of new Similar to Michael’s previous material, Invincible explores themes such as love, romance, isolation, media criticism, and social issues.

Three singles were released from the album: You Rock My World, Cry and Butterflies of which the first and second were released as physical singles internationally (except the USA) and the third one being a US-only radio-airplay single. The album’s first and last singles charted within the top twenty on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart, and they peaked at number one and within the top ten in several markets worldwide. The album was the recipient of one Grammy Award nomination for Best Pop Vocal Performance – Male, as well as being voted, by readers of Billboard magazine, the best album of the decade.

The album peaked at number one in eleven territories worldwide, including the United States (with sales of 363,000 units its first week), the United Kingdom, Australia, the Netherlands, France and Switzerland. Invincible charted within the top ten in six other territories. Invincible re-entered music charts several times during the decade. It sold at least 13 million copies worldwide.

Now our alliance partner MjTunes and Legendary Michael Jackson (LMJ) are celebrating it’s 10th anniversary. On October 30th 9PM GMT+1 you can tune in on MjTunes.com or listen live on LMJ (radio player on the right side of this page).

The radio special contains:
– 1st part : Michael Jackson talks about Invincible album. His favorite tracks and more…
– 2nd part : Invincible the album. Your favorite Invincible tracks and a selection of covers by various artists.
– 3rd part : Invincible In The mix. The best DJs pay tribute to Invincible album.

Stay Tuned and let’s celebrate Invincible album 10th anniversary

@Adamleeguitar states why he supports the Invincible Campaign

Adam Lee states why he supports the Michael Jackson Invincible Campaign

Firstly, let me commend the awesome work of the worldwide Michael Jackson fan base in trying to propel Michael’s last, inimitable studio album to the top of the charts this October! If we can accomplish this, it’ll serve to spread Michael’s amazing message of love, peace and harmony, whilst giving the album it’s deserved recognition, all over again! Not to mention, if an album charts at number 1, people who have never heard it before will encounter some of Michael’s greatest music – something which, personally, changed my life.

Invincible holds great sentiment to me. As with all of Michael’s music, it transcends time. It will always be relevant, both sonically and lyrically – the definition of a masterpiece for me. And I know that rings true for all of Michael’s music. A true genius at work.

I remember being a young 12-year-old kid, running to the record store back in 2001 to get my paws on a brand new, bright yellow edition of Invincible! Little did I know that it would be special in years to come, as I proceeded to use it to the point where the CD doesn’t even look like a CD any more! At school, everyone was playing football and various other games at the playground. And I couldn’t wait for break time, since it meant I got to take my CD player, and my copy of Invincible, and listen to it all over again. I’ve been a shameless MJ fan my whole life.

Whether it’s the hypnotic, driving beats of ‘Unbreakable’ and ‘Heartbreaker’, or the huge groove behind ‘You Rock My World’, or the heartstring-pulling sentiment and meaning behind songs like ‘Cry’, ‘Speechless’ and ‘Lost Children’, Invincible is one of Michael’s most accomplished and varied pieces of work. On it, you can hear production and songwriting that only the King of Pop could master. You’ll hear vocals and performances that only the King of Pop could have done. And you’ll feel connected with the music and the message, in a way that only the King of Pop could convey to his listeners. All of that is just a glimpse into the magic of Michael Jackson – both the man, and the music – that will make his lifetime and career go down in history, as one of the greatest achievements of any human being.

We love you, Michael. Forever, and always. God bless, and much L.O.V.E.


Adam Lee


@Adamleeguitar Launches a COMPETITION

Adam Lee Launches a COMPETITION

His Youtube account states:


Hey guys,

Here’s my little contribution to the worldwide Michael Jackson fan effort to try and get Michael’s seminal 2001 album ‘Invincible’ to number 1 in the month of October, 2011, in commemoration of the album’s 10th anniversary.

I still remember being a keen 12-year-old and running to the record store when it was released, to pick up my special edition ‘yellow’ copy of the album, with a bright yellow cover. Little did I know that these were only limited, as I ended up using mine to the point where the CD was too scratched to play! I still have it somewhere, in fact.

Point is, this is a sentimental record to me, and one of the greatest musical achievements of our time, by one of the greatest artists to have ever lived.

It would mean a lot to me if you could help me spread the word, so that people can buy this album back to its deserved number 1 spot, this month. I’ve already done plenty of tweets myself, but I’m hoping to do more as the month progresses. To help encourage people, I thought I’d offer 10 CDs, with a signed slip from me, to the top ten people who spread the word about Michael’s album the most.

Here’s how to do it, in summary:

TWITTER: include BOTH the hashtag #MJInvincibleCampaign and @AdamLeeGuitar in your tweet (this so I can count how many times people tweet, since hashtag searches often remove duplicate tweets, so that I won’t be able to fairly assess who has shared MJ’s album the most). @AdamLeeGuitar cannot be the first thing in the tweet, otherwise it won’t be public. Example tweet:

‘Everyone buy Michael Jackson’s Invincible album before November 1st, to get it to no. 1! #MJInvincibleCampaign @AdamLeeGuitar’

If you wish to share it on Facebook (although I recommend Twitter, as it’s easier for me to keep track of what you do), you will first have to like my Facebook page, and tag that page in your status updates, so I can keep track of your sharing. My Facebook page:http://www.facebook.com/AdamLeeGuitarist

I’m really looking forward to seeing how people get on, and how many people buy Michael’s album!

As MJ would say himself – ‘It’s all for love. L.O.V.E.’.

Invincible cover coming very soon, to celebrate its 10th anniversary!

Big thank you, guys! Please spread the word about this campaign, and hopefully we can achieve our goal!

God bless you all,


25th September @doit4mj Blog Radio – Invincible

We are sending an open invitation to everyone to join us on Rev. Catherine’s Blog Radio called A Place In Your Heart to discuss all things related to Michael Jackson’s Invincible Album and the Invincible Campaign.

I understand that Joe Vogel will be a co-guest and we are hoping that Lynton Guest will also be in attendance (awaiting confirmation).

Thus there will be 2 Michael Jackson authors talking about Michael Jackson, his Music with special reference to the Invincible Album. Given Lynton’s knowledge of Sony there is likely to be a discussion about the circumstances around the album, and this is also something that Joe will have an insight on as a result of his research.

I will be there to talk about the campaign, the reasons why the campaign was started, the buy event and what I hope will be achieved.

Rev. Catherine will as I understand be playing a few tracks from the album, so you never know we may be singing a little.

We are sure that this show will draw alot of interest because of the subject matter, so please find the time to join the discussion, call and have a chat.

We understand that there may be some talk about Sony, but please keep comments respectful because the reason this show is happening is to support Michael’s Legacy and to support Justice 4 Michael.

I hope you can attend and I look forward to hearing your voices.

For more information contact @doit4mj on twitter

or http://www.blogtalkradio.com/a-place-in-your-heart

Dutch Version: Press Release


Een wereldwijde internetcampagne om Michael Jackson’s laatste studioalbum, Invincible, weer aan de top van de hitparade te krijgen 10 jaar na de originele releasedatum, trekt tienduizenden supporters vanuit alle hoeken van de wereld.

A.s. oktober is het een decennium geleden dat Invincible voor het eerst in winkels te vinden en op de radio te horen was. Sinds die tijd is het album geprezen als een van Michael beste albums. De verwachting is dat de campagne om fans aan te sporen het album nogmaals te aan te schaffen in de verkoop van miljoenen exemplaren zal resulteren. Het koopevenement zal gedurende de gehele maand oktober 2011 plaatsvinden.

De Officiële Blogsite die de campagne promoot is https://mjsinvincible.wordpress.com/ deze had meer dan 20,000 hits in 4 weken

De MjsInvincible Facebookpagina is te vinden op http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mjsinvincible/166837370048816?sk=wall#!/pages/Mjsinvincible/166837370048816


Profielpagina Love Invincible is te vinden op http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002496657614


Twitteraccount is te vinden op http://twitter.com/#!/mjsinvincible1


Jackson heeft 14 van de 16 nummers op het Invincible Album zelf of samen met iemand geschreven.  Het heeft hem meer dan 3 jaar gekost om het te produceren in samenwerking met Rodney Jerkins en Teddy Riley.  Michael’s relatie met zijn platenmaatschappij Sony zorgde voor wat controversie in die tijd; het management is sindsdien gewijzigd en ze werken nauw samen met de Estate en zetten Michael’s Legacy voort.

Ondanks de problemen ging Invincible wereldwijd naar de nummer 1 positie en ontving Michael vele awards voor zijn prestatie.  In een interview, in oktober 2001, zei Michael Jackson in antwoord op de opmerking dat het Invincible Album overal in de wereld op nummer 1 stond en dat hij wederom een nummer 1 hit had, “het is een grote eer…we hebben er hard aan gewerkt, ik voel me gezegend dat de fans het album zo hebben geaccepteerd en ik ben zeer vereerd. Dat ben ik echt. Ik neem niets voor lief. Iedere keer dat er een nummer 1 album of nummer is voel ik dezelfde opwinding als met een eerste nummer 1. Dus ik ben er heel erg blij mee”

De Invincible Campagne is aangespoord door Debbie Francis, ze zegt: “Invincible verdient het op weer nummer 1 te zijn op zijn 10-jarig jubileum. Het is werkelijk een briljant album. Michael Jackson’s genialiteit zou moeten worden gevierd en zijn nalatenschap omvangt zijn muzikale prestaties, zijn legendarische vrijgevigheid en liefdadigheid.”

Andere opmerking op het web :

Mjjcommunity zei: “De Invincible Campagne is niet een campagne die MJJCommunity de fanclub organiseert; we zetten deze zeer terechte inspanning wel in het licht.”

Michael Mania een italiaanse fanclub zegt: “INVINCIBLE is one of the best records Michael produced. Putting it again into the spotlight is something Mike will be proud of”.

Michael Jackson Fans Club (Filippijnen) zei: “Namens de Filipijnse gemeenschap beloven we plechtig onze support aan de Invincible Campagne. Velen van ons zijn van mening dat Invincible zo niet de beste, een van de beste albums is dat Michael Jackson ooit heeft uitgebracht. En we hopen dat met deze campagne het meest soulvolle van Michael Jackson’s werk eindelijk erkenning krijgt!”

Initieel fan commentaar op het web:

http://twitter.com/Nello77 “Schrijf geschiedenis: Invincible nummer 1 in oktober!!”

http://twitter.com/gatorgirl277: “MJ was niet alleen onoverwinnelijk en onbreekbaar maar vooral ook onvervangbaar. Punt.”

Karen Gonzales-Dela Cruz: “Ik beloof PLECHTING de campagne te ondersteunen en het Invincible album van ‘s werelds meester entertainer… de king of pop MICHAEL JACKSON… te kopen. Dit is een van mijn favoriete albums van hem. Ondanks dat het ondergewaardeerd is en het niet de aandacht kreeg die het verdiende. Maar de echte MJ fans weten dat dit een goed album is… MICHAEL JACKSON ging terug naar zijn roots met dit album, en het was een speciaal en mooi kunstwerk… Invincible was zijn laatste grote meesterwerk!”

Michael Jackson boekschrijvers hebben het volgende gezegd:

Joseph Vogel de auteur van de binnenkort uit te brengen “Man in the Music: The Creative Life & Work of Michael Jackson.” Een boek toegewijd aan de muzikale genialiteit van Michael Jackson, zei op 2 august op twitter “… Ik zal Invincible wat meer draaien deze herfst wanneer ik aan een serie interviews begin”. Deze passage is van zijn aankomende boek:  “Ironisch, gezien zijn enigszins obscure status was Invincible waarschijnlijk Jackson’s meest toegangelijke album sinds de tachtiger jaren. Van de retrojazz van “Butterflies”,” tot de Latino puls van “Whatever Happens,” tot de R&B hartzeer van “Heaven Can Wait”…Jackson toont zijn handige veelzijdigheid, het produceren van muziek die zowel klassiek als modern is.

Lynton Guest een journalist van wereldklasse en auteur van “The Trials of Michael Jackson” zei “Het doet me genoegen deze campagne te ondersteunen. Invincible is ongetwijfeld een van de beste albums dat Michael Jackson gemaakt heeft en het verdient het om aldus gewaardeerd te worden. Ik hoop dat het weer terug op nummer 1 komt.”

Michael’s broer zei:

Jermaine Jackson zei over de campagne: “Unbreakable was Michael’s favoriete nummer. Ik ondersteun jullie goede intenties.”

Michael’s vrienden zeiden:

Karen Faye voor lange tijd Michael’s visagiste zei: “Ik vind het geweldig, want ik weet dat het Michael’s droom was.”

Cory Rooney Michael’s vriend en voormalig zakenman bij Sony zei “Dit zou een schitterende prestatie zijn voor Michael en de muziekgeschiedenis.” Hij zei vervolgens dat Michael de mensen in zijn leven altijd zeer waardeerde en zei dat Michael’s commentaar tijdens het maken van Invincible was “Help me alstjeblieft om nog een keer geschiedenis te schrijven”.  Debbie Francis denkt dat we zijn woorden moeten opvolgen en Michael helpen zijn laatste studio album nummer 1 te laten worden in oktober 2011.

Debbie Francis is overtuigd dat de initiële respons slechts het topje van de ijsberg is en dat in oktober de beweging genoeg ondersteuning heeft om te verzekeren dat Michael Jackon’s naam wederom het hoogtepunt van de entertainmentwereld is en dat Invincible op nummer 1 zal staan.

In de jaren sinds Jackson’s ontijdige dood, heeft Sony, onder een geheel nieuw management team, zijn werk wederom flink gepromoot. Inderdaad, Sony heeft aangegeven aan de fans dat het bedrijf een her-release van het Invincible album overweegt, zelfs in alle originele 5 kleurenhoesjes.

Michael Jackson was een van de grootste en best verkopende artiesten aller tijden, met wereldwijde albumverkopen van meer dan 500 miljoen. Sinds zijn overlijden in 2009 zijn zijn fans erop gebrand zijn nalatenschap te beschermen en door te geven aan een nieuwe generatie. Een van zijn lijfartsen, Dr. Conrad Murray, zal dit jaar in Los Angeles terecht staan, hij is aangeklaagd met onvrijwillige doodslag.

Het koopevenement is van 1 – 31 oktober 2011.

Translation by  @MJ4ever2908 on twitter

Copyright of the authors


I wanted to share with you the efforts made by the MICHAEL JACKSON FANS CLUB (Philippines)

They are made the following Invincible Promotional Video’s:

The following information has been found on

Elena Delgado facebook account

They are holding a Party for the Campaign in October and have the following billing:

“MJFCP’s PRE-LAUNCH PROMO of the INVINCIBLE LAUNCHING PARTY in Astroplus this October!  Performers are Julius Doria ( MJ), Genesis Corpuz (Chris Tucker), Jan Mark de Guzman & Leonardo Pacheco (as the villains), & Jhoanne Vinuya (the GIRL).  The event will be held in Astroplus MALL OF ASIA in Oct. 2 & Astroplus SM NORTH in Oct. 30.

Another PRE-LAUNCH PROMO will be held on Oct. 15 in Astroplus SM NORTH!”

Further promotional vid’s for their Invincible Party:


This is the events that they have planned to promote the 10th Anniversary of Invincible and the Buy Event:

“As you guys may know by now, we are hosting a LAUNCHING PARTY in Astroplus on October!

There will be 3 specific events, 2 of them are LAUNCHING PARTIES & 1 is a PROMO like we had on Sept. 10.



WHAT: A LAUNCHING PARTY will be a 4 hour event, where there will be dancing, THE EXPERIENCE GAMEPLAY, MJ games, raffle, prizes, & of course a BUYING EVENT for INVINCIBLE!

Everyone is welcome to attend!  Bring all your family & friends!

The LAUNCHING PARTY will have registered Invincible buyers have an opportunity to participate directly in MJ games, raffle, & the PS3 THE EXPERIENCE GAMEPLAY!

Registrees are required to register on the registration booth.  Any Invincible cd bought in any Astroplus branches within October 2011 are qualified to register & have the opportunity to win in our raffle!  The prize will be Invincible themed of course! 😉

We will also have a selling booth, selling our INVINCIBLE merchandise!  Everyone is encouraged & welcome to afford their INVINCIBLE PRODUCTS!

We will have another 1-hour PROMO in ASTROPLUS Sm North Edsa (Main) on Oct.15, that will promote the Oct. 30 event, the campaign, & the INVINCIBLE album!  We encourage everyone to come & join in on the fun!  If you missed out on our Sept. 10 PROMO, this is your chance to witness the magic of MJ & our dancers & host!


CO-Hosts: 4-inch heeled SASSY Karen Sosoban & Charming Ida Tiongson.


Julius Doria

Jan Mark de Guzman

Genesis Corpuz

Leonardo Pacheco

Jhoanne Vinuya

Registration Booth:

Liz Mamucud

Andrea Narvaez

Claudine Dinopol


Issa Santiago

Jona Yolangco

Mitch Estera

The EXPERIENCE Gameplay Handlers:

Teri Cailo

Jhoanne Vinuya

Don Sarmiento

Make your voices heard!  CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE here —-> http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=266335443387338&ref=nf  Don’t miss out to promote MJ & be a part of this GLOBAL EVENT! ”

Elena has translated the what can I do page

The Fan Club is also arranging a radio campaign

Radio Teams

Radio Station Requests

Campaign Flyer

If there had been an Invincible Tour?????

I found these set of video’s  made by a Michael Jackson fan.

Obviously the Invincible Tour did not happen as Michael did not want to tour.

I understand that some may not like these video’s saying that its fake etc, but I wanted to post them because I think it shows fan talent and its an interesting concept.

Anyway I enjoyed listening to it: its different – but still 100% full Michael Jackson – nothing fake about him.

Spanish Version: What Can I Do



El enfoque de la Campaña Invincible sera del 1ro de octubre 2011 al 31 de octubre 2011.

Esta es una campaña voluntaria y no hay ninguna obligacion para participar,sin embargo,si decides participar deberas considerar lo siguiente:

Para comenzar necesitamos ayuda para difundir la campaña:

Como puedo hacer esto:

1.   Internet-via twitter envia mensajes positivos acerca de laCampaña Invicible y por favor al final escribe  #mjsinvincible

facebook  es un sitio altamente reconocido por tener la ventaja de hacer correr informacion.compartiendo comentarios,y preguntando a tus amigos si quieren apoyar la Campaña Invincible.Escribe comentarios positivos.

3.Se estan preparando notas para los medios,y seran distribuidos,nosotros esperamos que sean aceptados y publicados.

4.Pedir a las estaciones de radio que se difundan las canciones del Album Invincible.

5.En Youtube videos de canciones del Album

Invincible,da click en “me gusta”,y escribe comentarios de apoyo en el/los videos.

6.Si tu tienes un sitio para admiradores en internet de Michael Jackson,o un blog,ahí puedes comentar acerca de la Campaña Invincible ya sea en tu blog o en tu sitio para fans.

7.La Difusion de la Campaña es urgente y requiere compromiso desde ahora hasta fin de Octubre 2011.

“Lo que se pretende lograr”:

Para que el Album Invincible tenga una buena oportunidad de llegar al 1er lugar,las ventas deben ocurrir en cierta fecha y en forma masiva.

Inicialmente esperaba hacerse durante la semana de el cumpleaños de Michael,pero iba a ser posible porque no habia suficiente tiempo para que todos los fans de Michael Jackson se enteraran de esta Campaña  Invincible.

Tambien el 10mo aniversario seria ideal considerando que el Album Invincible cumpliria 10 años.

Obviamente nosotros no podemos decirle a nadie como gastar su dinero,pero si tienes dinero disponible y deseas apoyar la Campaña Invincible,entonces lo importante es ser parte de la gente que compre el album entre el 1ro de Octubre 2011 hasta el 31 de Octubre 2011,es la fecha limite para que cuente,y podamos hacer algo para que este Album sea el # 1.

Hemos sido informados que fans de Michael Jackson y que forman parte de la Campaña Invincible como lo dije antes deben comprar el cd en las en cualquier momento dentro de las fechas que ya mencione.Esto lo hemos sabido tanto por fans,como personas cercanas a la industria de la musica.

(Nosotros quermos recalcar/enfatizar, que cualquier participacion es voluntaria y no hay obligacion
alguna de comprar el Album Invicible.No existe garantia de que obtengamos  el #1,pero no hay razon para detenernos cuando nos proponemos una meta!)


@copyright.Ideas y contenido sujeto a derechos de autor (copyright).

(traducido por Sandra Fernandez) Thank you very much – sorry for the late posting please forgive me, it was not intentional mj hugs to you. xxxx

Lynton Guest (Michael Jackson Author) Supports the Invincible Campaign @lynton6

Why I Want to Back the Invincible Campaign

 By Lynton Guest

This slideshow requires JavaScript.

 Michael Jackson’s Invincible album occupies a special place for me, but not in the way you might think. Until 2001, I had regarded HIStory as Michael’s greatest triumph. Not only did it contain some unbelievable songs, I thought Michael was singing better than ever. If you then remember what pressures he had been under during the 1990s, its achievement was even more remarkable.

Now I knew as well as the next person that Michael’s recordings always reached the
highest possible standards. However, I found it inconceivable that he could
reach those heights again. So while it would be wrong to say my expectations
were low, I just couldn’t see how HIStory could be improved upon. How wrong I was.

I remember driving in London one day when Speechless came on the radio. I was
blown away. I had to stop the car and pull in to the roadside, to the annoyance
of the other drivers. I just couldn’t help it. How was it possible, I thought,
that this man could top his previous efforts? And so effortlessly!

Immediately I headed for the nearest record store (they still existed back then) but
incredibly, they had no stocks. How could that be? It was the first inclination
I had that Sony might not, despite all the publicity, be promoting the album as
much as the company claimed. It took me another week to get my hands on a copy.

Apart from Speechless, it is difficult to pick out one track above any other, so
brilliant are all of them. The production is superb, the singing better than
ever. If I had to choose one, though, I suppose it would be You Rock My World
but honestly, it’s a hard call. What I can say is that listening to the whole
album was the moment I truly appreciated the full nature of Michael’s musical
genius (well that and seeing Captain Eo).

When Debbie Francis decided to mount a campaign to get Invincible back to number one on the tenth anniversary of its release, I was more than happy to lend my full support. If I have played a small role in helping the campaign then I am very pleased indeed. However, the lion’s share of any praise should go to Debbie and a number of others, who have managed to get this idea out there and have put in the hard yards to achieve their objective.

So I would love it if everyone purchases the album this October. But to all of you
contemplating the Buy Event, I would say one more thing. Above all, enjoy it!
I’m sure Michael would have wanted it that way.

Lynton Guest AKC:  September 2011

Copyright of the Author

Lynton’s book is called The Trial of Michael Jackson

Contact: Twitter Lynton6


You Rock My World:

No copyright infringement intended- fair use sought

Italian Version: Michael Jackson Fans Mount a Campaign

“Press release” Translation into Italian by @Netoska “Comunicato Stampa” Il Comunicato Stampa è stato diffuso attraverso un distributore.


Una campagna internet a livello mondiale, per spingere Invincible, l’ultimo album in studio di Michael Jackson, in cima alle classifiche, in occasione del decimo anniversario dal suo primo rilascio, sta avvicinando decine di migliaia di sostenitori da tutto il mondo. Il prossimo Ottobre ricorre un decennio da quando Invincible è stato lanciato nei negozi e sulle emittenti radiofoniche. Da allora è stato riconosciuto come il miglior album mai realizzato da Michael. La campagna per incoraggiare i fans al suo acquisto stima risultati in milioni di vendite. La campagna acquisti si svolgerà per tutto il mese di Ottobre 2011.

Il Blog Ufficiale che promuove la campagna è https://mjsinvincible.wordpress.com/ e ha ricevuto oltre 20000 visite in 4 settimane.

La pagina Facebook di MjsInvincible è: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mjsinvincible/166837370048816 La pagina del Profilo di Love Invincible è: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002496657614p?id=100002496657614 Il profilo Twitter è: http://twitter.com/#!/mjsinvincible1 Michael Jackson ha scritto o collaborato nella stesura di 14 su 16 tracce dell’album Invincible. Ci sono voluti più di 3 anni per produrlo con Rodney Jenkins e Teddy Riley. I rapporti di Michael con la sua etichetta discografica, la Sony erano oggetto di alcune polemiche allora; la dirigenza da allora è cambiata e lavora a stretto contatto con il Patrimonio per perpetuare l’eredità di Michael. Nonostante i problemi, Invincible è arrivato al numero uno (delle classifiche, n.d.t.)in tutto il mondo, e Michael ha ricevuto numerosi riconoscimenti per questo risultato. In un’intervista dell’Ottobre 2001, Michael disse, in risposta al fatto di avere l’album Invincible al numero uno insieme ad un altro singolo, “è un grande onore…abbiamo lavorato sodo per questo, è una fortuna che i fans abbiamo lo abbiamo accolto in questo modo e sono molto onorato. Lo sono davvero. Non do nulla per scontato. Tutte le volte che un album o una canzone vanno al numero uno mi emoziono come se fosse la prima volta. Per questo motivo sono molto felice.” La campagna Invincible è stata promossa da Debbie Francis: “ Invincible merita di ritornare al numero uno nel suo decimo anniversario. E’ un album davvero splendido. Il genio di Michael Jackson merita di esser celebrato e la sua eredità comprende i suoi successi musicali, la sua leggendaria generosità e la sua umanità.” Altri commenti in rete: MJJCommunity ha dichiarato: “ La campagna Invincible non è organizzata dal nostro fan club; sosteniamo comunque questo lodevole sforzo.” Michael Mania, un fan club Italiano ha dichiarato: “INVINCIBLE è uno dei migliori dischi prodotti da Michael. Metterlo in rilievo è qualcosa di cui Michael sarebbe fiero.” Michael Jackson Fan Club (Filippine) ha dichiarato: “ A nome della comunità filippina, ci impegniamo a sostenere la campagna Invincible. Molti di noi lo considerano se non il migliore, uno dei migliori album che Michael abbia lanciato e ci auguriamo che questa campagna tributi il giusto riconoscimento al grande lavoro di Michael!” Iniziali commenti dei fans in rete: http://twitter.com/Nello77 : “Fate la storia! Invincible numero uno il prossimo Ottobre!!” http://twitter.com/gatorgirl277 : “MJ non è solo invincibile o indistruttibile, è soprattutto insostituibile. Punto.” Karen Gonzales-Dela Cruz : “Mi impegno a sostenere la campagna e ad acquistare l’album Invincible del più grande intrattenitore del mondo…il re del pop MICHAEL JACKSON …E’ uno dei miei album preferiti, sebbene sia stato sottovalutato e non abbia ricevuto l’attenzione che meritava. I veri fans di Michael sanno che questo è un buon album…MICHAEL JACKSON è ritornato alle sue radici con quest’album, un lavoro speciale e piacevole…Invincible è stato il suo ultimo grande capolavoro!” Autori di libri su Michael Jackson hanno dichiarato: Joseph Vogel, autore del libro di prossima uscita “ Man in the Music: The Creative Life & Work of Michael Jackson”, dedicato al genio musicale di Michael Jackson, ha detto su Twitter il 2 agosto “…Promuoverò Invincible maggiormente il prossimo autunno nel corso di varie interviste.” Questo passaggio è tratto dal suo prossimo libro: “Ironia della sorte, considerato il suo status già abbastanza oscuro, Invincible è stato probabilmente il suo album più facilmente accessibile dal 1980. Dal jazz retrò di Butterflies, al ritmo latino di Whatever Happens, allo struggimento R&B di Heaven Can’t Wait…Jackson mette in mostra la sua versatilità, producendo musica al contempo classica e contemporanea.” Lynton Guest, giornalista di fama mondiale e autore di “The Trials of Michael Jackson” ha dichiarato: “Sono lieto di sostenere questa campagna. Invincible è sicuramente uno dei migliori album che Michael Jackson abbia realizzato e merita di essere riconosciuto come tale. Per quanto mi riguarda mi auguro che ritorni al numero uno.” Il fratello di Michael ha dichiarato: Jermaine Jackson in merito alla campagna: “Unbreakable era la traccia preferita di Michael. Sostengo le tue buone intenzioni.” Gli amici di Michael hanno dichiarato: Karen Faye, storica truccatrice di Michael: “Penso sia meraviglioso, perché so per certo che sarebbe stato il sogno di Michael.” Corey Rooney, amico di Michael ed ex dirigente Sony: “Questa sarebbe un’impresa incredibile per Michael e per la storia della musica.” Ha inoltre aggiunto che Michael ha sempre apprezzato le persone nella sua vita e che una delle frasi che Michael pronunciava durante la realizzazione di Invincible era: “ Aiutatemi ancora una volta a fare la storia, per favore.” Debbie Francis pensa che dobbiamo assecondare le sue parole e far diventare l’ultimo album in studio di Michael il Numero 1 ad Ottobre 2011. Debbie Francis crede che la risposta iniziale sia solo la punta dell’iceberg e che entro Ottobre il movimento avrà ottenuto abbastanza sostegno per garantire al nome di Michael Jackson il vertice del mondo dello spettacolo e ad Invincible il numero uno. Negli anni successivi alla prematura scomparsa di Michael, Sony, sotto una dirigenza completamente nuova, ha nuovamente promosso il lavoro di Michael in modo incisivo. Sony ha infatti comunicato ai fans che l’azienda sta considerando un nuovo lancio dell’album Invincible, anche se non in tutti e 5 i colori originali delle copertine. Michael Jackson è stato uno degli artisti che ha venduto di più, con ben oltre 500 milioni di album venduti in tutto il mondo. I suoi fans intendono proteggere e tramandare la sua eredità alle nuove generazioni che verranno dopo la scomparsa del cantante avvenuta nel 2009. Uno dei suoi medici, il Dott. Conrad Murray, verrà processato a Los Angeles quest’anno, con l’accusa di omicidio colposo della star.

La campagna acquisti si svolge dal 1° al 31 Ottobre 2011.

Copyright dell’autore.

MTV Respect Campaign – A Winning Campaign for Michael

This statement has been posted with the kind permission of Melanie from the MTV Respect Campaign. I wish to thank Melanie and her team for all that they have done, they have made history. WOW!


 “ Don’t let anyone tell you –
“You can’t CHANGE the World!” because you JUST DID!”

The members of the MTVRespectMJ Team want to take a moment to thank all of you for your support for this important campaign to honor Michael’s legacy.

2 years ago this campaign was born on Facebook- “ We want the MTV to Reinstate the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award.”

Our goals were simple…..

To honor Michael , his legacy and to do this for his children, Prince, Paris and Blanket.

Michael’s Legacy is very important to us and we worked diligently to protect it. And we will continue to do so.

It was Michael Jackson who  changed the music video from a mere promotional tool featuring musicians playing instruments and singing, to a piece of art with a storyline, or as Michael likes to put as ‘short films’.

It was Michael Jackson , who  broke down MTV’s color barrier and revolutionized Music Television

We honestly believe that attention MUST be paid to the Legacy of Michael Jackson!

It was time for MTV to honor the commitment,they made to Michael Jackson, his children, his family and his fans.

We can not name, one artist that  has changed the world of Music Television, more than Michael Jackson

We instituted a write-in letter campaign, organized twitter campaigns , Sent flowers to the staff of MTV,  reached out celebrities, made several fan videos , flash mobs and organized a peaceful protest in Times Square, New York

We sent special letters to Lady Gaga, Britney Spears and Beyonce, asking them to join this effort and reach out to MTV on Michael’s behalf

It was because of the FANS willingness to take a stand for Michael Jackson , we are able to celebrate  this victory.

We want to especially thank the management team of MTV for listening to our heartfelt request.
We  also thank the celebrities , that joined the campaign and reached out to MTV for us and more importantly for Michael.

Special thanks to our international committee – Jakki, Tina, Rhiannon, Ewelina, Kathy and Sponge Jackson

So, Today, We wish Michael Jackson – A  VERY HAPPY Birthday and offer him this gracious present- The Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award is Back , where it belongs.

It is all for Love and Legacy!


Here is another campaign video.

German Version: What Can I Do

Was kann ich tun?

Die Invincible Kampagne wird vom 01. bis zum 31.Oktober 2011 laufen.

Es ist eine freiwillige Kampagne und es gibt keine Pflicht daran teilzunehmen,wenn du dich dennoch dazu entscheiden solltest,teilzunehmen,solltest du folgendes beachten:
Zunächst wird Hilfe benötigt,um das Bewusstsein für die Invincible Kampagne zu schärfen.

Wie man das tun kann:

Die Sensibilisierungskampagne

1. Internet – über twitter – verbreite positive Nachrichten über die Invincible Kampagne und    bitte verwende den Hashtag #mjsinvincible
2. Internet – über facebook – facebook ist von einigen weitgehend anerkannt,die Fähigkeit zu haben, Inforationen zu verbreiten.Teile Posts,frag’ deine Freunde,ob sie sich vorstellen können die Invincible Kampagne zu unterstützen.Poste positive Kommentare.
3. Pressemitteilungen werden vorbereitet und an Medienunternehmen verteilt.Wir hoffen,dass sie akteptiert und gepostet werden.
4. Fordere Radiosender dazu auf,Tracks vom Invincible Album zu spielen.
5. Klicke gefällt mir und kommentiere das YouTube Video positiv.
6. Wenn du eine Fanseite oder einen Michael Jackson Fanblog hast,könntest du dich dazu entscheiden,dort Informationen über die Invincible Kampagne zu posten.
7. Die Sensibilisierungskampagne ist dringend und benötigt Engagement von jetzt bis Ende Oktober 2011.

Das Wesentliche:

Damit das Invincible Album die Chance bekommt,auf Nr.1 zu kommen,müssen die Käufe in Massen zwischen den festgelegten Daten erfolgen.

Zunächst wurde gehofft,dass dies während Michael’s Geburtstagswoche getan werden könnte,allerdings gab es nicht genügend Zeit,um die Invincible Kampagne bei den Michael Jackson Fans bekannt zu machen.

Das 10-jährige Jubiläum scheint ideal, wenn man bedenkt,dass das Invincible Album 10 Jahre alt wird.

Offensichtlich können wir niemandem sagen,wie dieser sein Geld ausgeben soll,aber wenn du EInkommen hast,dass du entbehren kannst und die Invincible Kampagne unterstützen möchtest, kannst du dies in der Zeit tun,die Kampagne läuft vom 01. – 31.Oktober 2011.

Wir wurden informiert,dass Michael Jackson Fans und Unterstützer der Kampagne,die an der Invincible Kampagne teilnehmen möchten, das Invincible Album während dieser Zeit kaufen sollten.Diese Ansicht teilten uns sowohl einige Michael Jackson Fans als auch Quellen nahe zur Musikindustrie mit.

(Wir möchten betonen,dass jede Teilnahme freiwillig ist und es keinerlei Verpflichtung gibt,das Invincible Album käuflich zu erwerben.Auch gibt es keine Erfolgsgarantie,aber keinen Grund für uns nicht zu versuchen unser Ziel zu erreichen.)

Dies ist eine positive Kampagne, um Michael Jackson und sein Vermächtnis zu unterstützen.

Translated into german by Micol Muyenga

Japanese Version: What Can I Do

Translation via Google Translation





1.Internet – を経由してTwitterが無敵のキャンペーンについてのポジティブメッセージを拡散し、ハッシュタグ#mjsinvincibeしてください
2.Internet – Facebookを – Facebookは広く情報を広めるために能力を持っているとして一部で認識されています。彼らは無敵のキャンペーンをサポートすることを考慮する場合の共有の投稿は、あなたの友人に尋ねる。肯定的なコメントを投稿。








